14 April 2008

World Cup Stadium - Haneul Park

Whenever u r doing things on ur own / alone, probably doing your fav things (even if it's in the toilet doing number 2), ur mind started working and wondering. And u started writing of things that happened during the day or whatever that came across ur mind that required some thinking but only that it's written in ur head, so that u could make some quick analysis of the whole picture while doing whatever u r doing at that point of time. I know i usually ended up writing a lengthy one coz whenever i'm done, my mind get exhausted easily. Talk about multitasking. Huh.

So i log on, trying to blog and recall whatever i've written in my head earlier on, only to stare at the screen blankly for the longest time. And that happened like more than 5-6 times yesterday. And i end up logging out from blogger.com. And started surfing on something else.

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