10 April 2008

Haneul Park - World Cup Stadium Park

First, I will need to apologize, for this entry will definitely ruffles some feathers, hope none of 'em feathers are like that one character in X-Men who has steal feathers/blades as his wings (**can't bloody well remembers his name**).. I don't understand people's fascination with reality shows.

All in all, even though i personally hate that "you're fired" dude, i read that the show is actually good for us to see how the real corporate world works. Fine, I can accept that. But the rest, like eeuuuu.

For me there are 3 types:

1. Fear Factors or Simple Life or Amazing Race - the concepts are similar, they played it again and again. How many times can people watch contestants having their fills of -slimy/yukky/so-called tough- -dining/travel experiences-. Why are people interested to see an heiress lives the low-down, she will always go back to her roots once they shouted 'cut'?

2. Akademi Fantasia or Audition - I mean I can salute the participant's courage and 'muka tembok' to audition for these shows, and it kinda funny watching the 'what were you thinking about!" denizen, but what about the viewer, the people who come back again and again to shed tears/forking out their hard earn money to vote, crying over some poor chap who don't even know the viewers existences, this one really escapes me lah.. btw, who the heck watch Audition? May be only close families and friends do. Among all these mass produced 'artists', the only one that most people take their hats off is Jac. Man, how many of our current entertainers share her caliber?

3. Average Joe or For Love or Money or The Bachelor - wtf.. how many boobies you want to see? I mean you see it once, ie the first season, then you've seem them all.

Most of these shows contained plots that read just like Danielle Steel's novel, you read one of her books and you pretty much read/cover the entire collection...sigh, the quality of entertainment today..

This begets the question, is it only me and my few friends in Malaysia that have this opinions, are we an endangered species?

2 whisper(s):

blurryfella87 said...

the only reality show that works for me is ANTM..
i love how at the end of the show they showed the edited pictures since i'm kinda into photoshopping myself..
and i don't think that the show is repeatative at all since every season has different bitches and seeing them tounge bitching under one roof for the sake of winning is kinda hilarious..

but other reality shows are blahhhh..
can't resist to agree.. af?eew~

Hilmi Ramlan said...

ehh..takde apa la.. amik kat the gallery yg blogger bagi tu la :P ehehe...cuma gambar atas tu je au tukar kekek :D thanks btw ;)