03 September 2007

Turning a friendship into something more is no easy task
Boramae - Seoul

The most enviable relationships are those that have friendship at their core ~ someone you can trust, talk to, and count on, will make the best partner. In addition, a friend is someone you have developed a mutual respect and enjoyment with. So if turning friendship into love is such a good idea, why is it so hard?

We are always worried that we’ll ‘risk the friendship’ – concerned that our advances will go horribly awry and the friendship will be lost forever..replaced by awkward exchanges. Although it is cliche, it’s a legitimate concern.

So if you know that there is no way a relationship could develop, then I would think twice before putting the friendship in jeopardy by professing your undying love.

If you think there may be a chance, however, I would suggest another cliche – follow your heart.

They said without great risk there is no great reward.^^

1 whisper(s):

Anonymous said...

wah!! what a jaw-droping english blog, hate you cause you make my english feel like Korean english...hahahah. New view on how to move on from friend to lover,just what I've been looking for :P