13 April 2010

i) when we are hurting, why is it so hard for us to tell the person responsible that they've hurt us. is it misguided pride? is it the need to not appear as pathetic? is it the confusing joy of cleansing tears? or is it the burning wonder of feeling your own soul suffers? why..and while we play this blaséful nonchalant game, blithely angst-ridden dance to the tune of our hearts' sorrowful ballad, our souls continue to bleed. is it worth it to appear strong when in the inside every fiber of your being is crying out for something to soothe the pain.

ii) I've somehow dislocated my brain and then my shoulder over the weekend. Am recovering but still feeling very sore right now. *if only i can whack my own head without feeling the tenderness of the joint, i would feel better.. such silliness...sish...Need to sit in my corner to lick my wound, learning to be comfortable being uncomfortable..

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