Acceptable? Big No-No? Too forward? Doesn't matter? Or like hello, which planet were u from again?
Shades of grey wherever I go.The more I find out the less that I know.Black and white is how it should be but shades of grey are the colors I see.
whispered by
h i t a m p u t i h
11:44 PM
3 whisper(s):
otak kau berjambul!! ntah la.. kalau dating dah kawin tu camner..? halal kan.. wakakakka...
hm i suppose kissing is only a means of showing ur nature of LOVE. BUT.. there are so many other ways to do it.. so yeah :) u dont have to. and im contradicting myself honestly..
it would be lovely to have it on a first date though ;)
kau la.. aku dah berapa kali
Big NO from me. lol.
There are other ways you can show your love:
-make her happy/laugh
-brighten up her days
-lend her your ears when she tells her stories
-understand her more
-appreciate her for who she is and not only for how she looks
-be more sensitive with her feelings
-praise her
-encourage her
-guide her (given that you yourself are on the right way :) )
-share your secrets with her
-trust her
-etc etc etc that doesn't involve physical contacts.
Unless if you're seeing your wife, then that's ok. But if she's not, I'll say NO. Even with moral, religion & culture aside.
That's from my personal point of view :)
emi : haha..tau r kau dah byk kali dating..sian aku
zakirah : aha..zakirah baru kuar dr gua weh..haha..mana menghilang?..u boleh buat buku lah pasal tips cinta..mcm pakar je ^^
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