26 January 2008

How much of human life is lost in waiting

Over the years I’ve learned that a 12:30 meeting, in fact, means 12:40. And 12:40 means 12:50. And so on.

Time and again, otherwise "smart and responsible" people say one thing and do another. Why is this?

Their answer is surprisingly simple: I hate waiting, but don’t hate you waiting.

They said you don’t know when I’ll show up, and waiting is costly. If you’re early you’ll have to wait. If you’re late you won’t. So you come late. And I do the same thing.

Seems obvious enough. But when I make this argument to non-economists they’re unpersuaded, preferring an explanation for lateness based on laziness and stupidity rather than as the equilibrium of a social coordination game.

True you are.There's only so much you can learn in one place. The more that you wait, the more time that you waste

I hate waiting

1 whisper(s):

Anonymous said...

cun awek neh.