02 September 2007

World Cup Stadium Lake Park - Seoul

For many of us, our aging is a source of grief and anxiety.

We fear aging.

The elderly people we see are for the most part increasingly senile, frail, and unhappy. As a result, rather than looking forward to growing old, we dread each passing birthday. Rather than seeing our later years as a time of harvesting, growth, and maturity, we fear that the deterioration of our health will so greatly impair our lives that to live a long life might be more of a curse than a blessing.

When we think of being old, our images are often ones of decrepitude and despair. It seems more realistic to imagine ourselves languishing in nursing homes than to picture ourselves swimming, gardening, laughing with loved ones, and delighting in children and nature.

anyway...It is lovely, when I forget all birthdays, including my own, to find that somebody remembers me..

Happy Birthday

2 whisper(s):

Hilmi Ramlan said...

Thanks for the praise! haha takde la bagus sangat. orang masih belajar. hmm waktu panas. u pakai metering macam mana? u 'target' kat mana? because, blur might be the shutter kot. hehe i ni tak la terer sangat nak mengajar. but try to reduce ur ISO to lowest preferably 100. pastu pakai evaluative metering. and SNAP! hehe easier said than done though. haha. nways. ur images STILL WOW me. haha

Nota Matahati said...

remembering birthdays is a way of appreciating them..in my humble opinion