02 August 2007

children parade - jonjeng - nice sneakers..haha

Few days ago I bumped into an old friend, to be more specific, he was my schoolmate. Since we have not met for quite some time, and both of us were free that time, we decided to have lunch together; to catch up the forgetful past time, (since our last meeting).

We talked on many things, from study related matters to depressing personal issues. I noticed he had matured to own a tolerable perseverance. Way unalike from our childish habits and behaviours, back at school or even when we were in college. He talked confidently about self-onus, his love, studies... Something I could never guess might come out from him.

Listening to him is like looking to my void dreams. Of working hard, to have life absolute direction, independent .. I guess for now I’m too chicken to start anything by myself. At times, when I think back.

People changed, as time past us. I have been repeating this adage like forever. Guys, do we need to change for good sometime, just to let us feel the real life is?

By the way, that friend of mine has ‘grown up’ too, physically. Last time we used to call him ‘kecut’, alas he’s none of that type anymore. He’s taller than me for sure, now. Matured and sort of au courant than me all together.

Betul lah, people changed right. Oh God! Did I just repeat myself?

1 whisper(s):

Nota Matahati said...

ur old fren that i've heard about several times..it's nice, really, reading ur blog. so many things made me think ^-^