14 August 2007

Childhood - the most beautiful of all life's seasons

Childhood is the time when we can build castles in the sky, see elephants and monkeys in the clouds, play with tadpoles (errkk..ada ke?), jump on our matresses to our heart's delight, ask why the sky is blue, roll in the dirt, and play with trucks and dolls; it is a time when memories are made and friendships established.

Some said that our childhood is the beginning of our creative nature and ambitious desire to enjoy life and succeed in it. In childhood we find the essential and fundamental ingredients for a healthy life.

We could learn from them..
Children have neither past nor future; they enjoy the present, which very few of us do..

I think if children grew up according to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses ^_^

1 whisper(s):

MakcikMuda said...


teringat taem kekanak rebina dl.


childhood hold a thousand memories that sometimes too hurt to be recall but to precious to forget :)