24 March 2008

My body clock is running wild. My timetable has gone haywire. I mean to the opposite extreme as compared to my daily timetable. Gone are the days when i wake up at 3am. Gone are the days when i go to sleep at 12am. Gone are the days when sleep was actually enough. Gone are the days when i feel fresh at 3am. Gone with the wind. But no, i’m not complaining. Because i know, i’m trading this routine for something else in return. Something that puts a smile on my face. :P

My recent encounters with she got me thinking out loud bout few things (Psst.. you know what i mean. hehehehe). And one of it was about human’s emotional behaviour. I like to observe how people i know behave to different elements and situations in their life. I find it really interesting how 2 people would react rather differently in an exact same situation. Why in particular ‘people i know’ is because knowing them gives me an insight to what may actually influenced them to such emotional behavioural response. I mean, watching strangers works just fine by me but the ambiguity surrounding strangers gives rise to more doubtful speculation than probable cause. But of course, if facts were really the heart of the matter, then the best way to shut ambiguity away would be me being the guinea pig of my own observations. At least i know that deep down, if im being honest with myself, i can differentiate moments when im being true to myself and when im sugar coating things for the sake of self-comfort.

Some people i know are like raw eggs. They have a hard outer exterior, but once their shell is cracked or broken by people they trust, they start to fall apart. They tend to remind me of the song All or Nothing by Cher.

Some other people i know are like jelly. They are soft, squishy and easily devoured. The have no emotional barriers and they are often easily manipulated and used by others. These people tend to remind me of the song Sindrom A Minor.

And other people i know are like onions. Onions thrive emotionally because they have emotional layers and they know who can be allowed access to each layer, when and under what circumstances. They also know at which layer to stop before they get scared. Onions understand their layers and how much of their emotional selves they can reveal and share with others at each different layers, without the risk of deep emotional hurt. This protects them, while allowing them to reveal and share their emotional layers in safety as they choose.

Onions do not practise universal mistrust of others. They are simply discerning people who knows that emotional layers are precious, and should only be revealed and shared when empathy, trust and understanding have reached a point where it’s safe to got to the next layer with another person.

The happiest people i know are onions who understand themselves and the people around them. They manage their layers well, knowing which emotional layers are for acquaintances, friends, loved ones and their life partner. And they know exactly when to bring such people to the next layer.

3 whisper(s):

blurryfella87 said...

i love all the pictures featured in your blog...they are very classical and meaningful in their very own perspective!~
nice blog btw!

Anonymous said...

from ur observation, which category am i in? :P

h i t a m p u t i h said...

haha..i said b4 lah..onion!onion!