25 February 2008

In the eyes of the beholder

It is always an interesting eye opener to know how much you are really worth to someone else.

You can infer all you want from their everyday (previous) words/actions, but nothing beats the eye opening truth in seeing how you are treated when you are in need, for that is the best time to know whether you are weight in gold or crap.

3 whisper(s):

Anonymous said...

waaa...buat kan i punya version gak~`..xkira2

Hilmi Ramlan said...

woah.. interesting topic to start with.. :) she looks lovely in that design u've put her in :) if u see her online or whatsoever, tell her she has a great smile :)

nways....salam bro ;)

Hilmi Ramlan said...

oh and i forgot..yes..i do agree on ur statements! :D