Friendship with the opposite sex sometimes end up making u feel all confused and tingled especially when u don't know exactly how to handle the unplanned/natural flirt that became serious each day (lately). Which is not supposed to be that way in the first place. But u can't help it from happening when u've already too close of a friend and the friendship has been developed over the years. And u r somehow stuck at the crossroad. Coz after all both of u are supposed to be just friends. If not, best of friends. But when either one of u suddenly feel/want/hope/dream/seek MORE which accidentally blossomed from the flirt thing. It kinda sucks.. if the other person actually feels/wants/hopes/dreams/seeks the opposite...
And trust me, once u've crossed the line... it would never be the same like before.
Awkwardness will come into picture. "SERABUT" is the keyword.
4 whisper(s):
i kno wat u definitely feels awkward once u cross de line..
i tink dat's y girls n guys can't b jz frenz..
hm i suppose we as plain human usually do cross borders. tapi nak buek macam mano. :) dah terlajak.. :)
that's why we thnk before we step. ;)
about crossing roads and stuff, i think it's always subjective to which we need to look really deep inside our hearts. Why DID we cross the road. was it for lust? was it for passion? think it over aitte? and drop me a comment too.. :D
hilmi certain situation~ it might be happen
that explains why male and females are'nt really meant to be close friends.
btw, almost all releationship starts with just being friends.
Its normal meh.
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