The past week had me witnessing several cases of loneliness. Not myself, thankfully but unfortunately to some of my friends and acquaintances I knew of. The word loneliness itself carries such negative, depressing metaphor with it. Hardly will anyone ever associate it with something good or exciting. It’s like a big “no-no” taboo and most definitely not a popular destination. But once in a while, you will find some people who actually seek ‘loneliness’ for their own not-so-obvious reasons. Usually, this is often termed as solitude. I guess the use of such term is to distinguish the different aura that surrounds it.
Loneliness, which most consider as pain, is much feared by the common public. Some, even terrified by it. And I think that the negativity that surrounds it is very much due to our failure to fully understand the existence of loneliness. The only way for us to free ourselves from such domination of fear is to understand it and face it. Perhaps by doing so, we might just gain forte from it. After all, pain has a lot to teach us.
I have a rather impartial view on loneliness. Perhaps because I’m not feeling lonely or suffering from the loneliness syndrome at the moment. Or perhaps because I had found the gift of loneliness myself.^_^
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