completly finished with the decals and the rest of the dragoon. and i know this is not a very popular kit mostly because the price isnt very friendly - my room - malaysia
nanti balik malaysia aku sambung pasang kau..haha..sini susah cari lah..
Finished up the torso, and the waist guns on the old Strike Freedom Gundam Lightning Edition... er...
OK enough of this.. I'm just gonna call you Strike Lightnin' for short, is that alright with you buddy? I know I know, not your fault that they gave you such a long-fangled name, but really. Do you really expect me to type that out EVERY time I have to refer to you? Besides, Strike Lightning is kinda catchy dont u think? Kind of invokes memories of Grease Lightning right? Right?... no?
Ahem... anyway...
Finished up the torso, and the waist guns on the old Strike Lighting. He's looking pretty complete at this stage, and if he were a normal Gundam, he'd be pretty close...
But no.
He's still got a second set of waist guns, as well as his wings... (four sets of two), as well as eight drones from his dragoon system (bit like fin-fannels for those old school Char's Counter Attack fans).
So in short, still a little ways to go.
OK enough of this.. I'm just gonna call you Strike Lightnin' for short, is that alright with you buddy? I know I know, not your fault that they gave you such a long-fangled name, but really. Do you really expect me to type that out EVERY time I have to refer to you? Besides, Strike Lightning is kinda catchy dont u think? Kind of invokes memories of Grease Lightning right? Right?... no?
Ahem... anyway...
Finished up the torso, and the waist guns on the old Strike Lighting. He's looking pretty complete at this stage, and if he were a normal Gundam, he'd be pretty close...
But no.
He's still got a second set of waist guns, as well as his wings... (four sets of two), as well as eight drones from his dragoon system (bit like fin-fannels for those old school Char's Counter Attack fans).
So in short, still a little ways to go.
nanti balik malaysia aku sambung pasang kau..haha..sini susah cari lah..
1 whisper(s):
kat yongsan ade la kedai gundam semata2. takde org pnah bawak ko pegi ke?
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