26 May 2010

hidup seharusnya dihargai kewujudannya.
hidup, jika mahu difikirkan, secara bawah sedar, adalah keberanian. keberanian yang menyinggah dan ada masa, tersanggah.
p/s: gubahan yang sangat indah. sangat. sangat.

24 May 2010

I have no idea where you are out there in the world. But I understand that I lost the right to know these things long ago. No matter how many years go by.....I know one thing to be as true as it ever was. I'll see you soon, then.

22 May 2010

I always try to be nice to people.

With you, I’m always nice.

I wonder if you realise the difference.

Gwangalli Beach, Busan 1.42 a.m

16 May 2010

i) It is always an interesting eye opener to know how much you are really worth to someone else. You can infer all you want from their everyday (previous) words/actions, but nothing beats the eye opening truth in seeing how you are treated when you are in need, for that is the best time to know whether you are weight in gold or crap.

ii) Percayalah, manusia sememang sifatnya mudah lupa. Things like how we first met is always forgotten.

14 May 2010

i) People are not sorry for the things they’ve done. They are just sorry they’ve put themselves in a very guilty position. In short, everything still boils down to they, themselves.

ii) All I care about is that you ask for what you need, lean on those who love you and try to trust me when I say that you’ll come out other side.

12 May 2010

i) What happened to us? We were almost there.

ii) Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain, cherish the memories, and ignore the pain...love, learn, and forgive

iii) I think we're both too scared.

11 May 2010

i) Semua yang terjadi, menjadi, jadi dan akan jadi dalam hidupku, ada kemungkinan. Tiada masa piantan. Ia datang bila ia datang. Ia hilang bila fikiranku melayang.

ii) Suatu hari, coklat-coklat pahit yang lazat dan menyengat itu, akan membantu atau membunuhku.

iii) Di luar, dunia yang luas dan berkabus. Berjuta juta orang menghuninya, namun tidak sedesis suara yang aku terima. Di dalam, ruang yang tidak sebesar mana. Seorang saja manusia yang ada. Yang aku dengar cuma ketikan papan kekunci yang dipaksa-paksa. Apa pengakhirannya di sini? Yang di luar dan di dalam ku, semuanya sunyi.

07 May 2010

Not one life goes by in which the quest for joy and happiness is absent. it is unfortunate, however, that people so often believe that the search will be entirely fulfilled by finding the perfect job, acquiring some new gadget, losing weight, or maintaining an image. The problem inherent in looking outward for sources of happiness is that focusing on what you do not have or what you are not inevitably leads to unhappiness

It is easy to get caught up in your desires and to ignore the sources of joy and growth already present in your life. It is said that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. When you have stopped comparing yourself and your assets to others, you will be able to recognize that, to others, you are on the "greener side". Learning to live in te moment and enjoy your personal lot can be a source of profound contentment.

Unhappiness inspired by what you do not have is easy to overcome when you open your eyes to the wonderful things already present in your life. Remember that joy is a state of mind, and it is pointless to sacrifice the happiness of today for a set of possibilities that may or may not come to be.

06 May 2010

사람의 마음을 흔드는 감성적인 물질들이 존재한다..
비, 구름, 바다 같은 갓들..
그리고 그 중에는 음악이 있다.
음악을 들다 보면 괜히 마음이 편안해지고 위로 받는 느낌을 받게 된다

05 May 2010

For my own consumption. As I need to remind myself over and over and over again,

"I am what I am. When I tend or even tempt myself to act as a different person or having dishonest personality, that is where I fail myself as a human being."

God is great, in every way He creates his creation.