Life doesn’t quite fit the perfect picture, of course. No surprise there is it? Every so often, we face disappointments in our lives and we swallow the bitter fact that life isn’t always perfect. Correction, life isn’t perfect after all. To some, it is a rare occasion. To most, things always find their own way to screw up in any way possible. Disappointing definitely.

And when our own life screws up, it is almost instantaneous that the question that first crosses our mind is “whose fault is it”. Objectively, we should be asking ourselves “How did I get here in the first place?” but somehow or rather, that latter question only ranked no two. It’s like coming home to find your vase is broken. The first thing that pops out of your mouth would be “Siapa yang buat ni??”. And after your son / brother / husband raised his hand, owning up, only then you start questioning “Macam mana pasu boleh pecah?”.

You see, the WHO still supersedes the WHAT and HOW.

In short, at times of crisis, the almost instant thing that we do is find faults, be it upon others or ourselves. It’s like something already systematically-embedded within us that we just have to find out whose fault it is. Fault-addiction, I’d call it.

True enough, certain screw ups in our lives are circumstantial. Totally nothing due to our misconduct. Nevertheless, most of the times, the biggest screw-ups in our lives are of our own doing. Some are humble enough to realize that, some thinks they’re just above the rest.

What fascinates me more about fault-addiction is that the ability that some of us have to dwell about faults and spend so much energy on it. When life doesn’t paint that perfect picture we have in mind, we are all out of a sudden master of finding faults. Your teachers. Your lovers. Your ex lovers. The ones who hurt you, the ones who abused you, the ones who left you bleeding. You repeatingly tell yourself whose fault it is. It’s a life long tale you feed yourself. It’s as if knowing whose fault it is that your life forgives and excuses you of having to be responsible of taking your life into your own hands.

The silly thing is that we take such a long time to evaluate what went wrong, spend a whole deal on blaming (ourselves too often at times), cry high and dry to bury ourselves in misery (in actual fact, I personally feel it’s seeking pity) and yet in the end, we fail to see the most important thing.

We fail to move on as soon as we should.

We spend so much time dwelling on the problem and fault blaming when what we should be doing is focusing on the solution to the problem. Am not sure whether we realise what we are actually doing at times of crisis but often enough, finding faults and tagging the blame have been misconstrued as one of the steps in problem solving.

Blaming is about the past. The history. It tackles the question of “Who made this happen?”. Well I certainly got news for you my friend. The past isn’t real. What isn’t current isn’t real. Nothing can be done about it. If it’s dead, then leave it. Don’t go checking for pulse every 5 minutes. It’s useless..haha

There are quite a number of people I know out there who somehow seemed to loveeeeeeeee burying themselves in self-guilt and misery in times of crisis. Hellloooo…. Self-pity wouldn’t get you anywhere in life. Get real man. Maybe I’m slightly crude but life won’t hold still and wait for you to lick your wounds. Time and tide waits for no men (nor women either). No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world ain’t stopping for your grief.

Yea, you can spend some time to analyse and evaluate the situation. And yes, you should be able to identify the cause of the problem, who and what went wrong, when and how. But don’t just stop there.


We are nothing but the stories what we tell ourselves. We know what kind of people we are (we think we do). We know what we are capable of doing (again, we think we do). It’s all because all our lives, we feed ourselves the tale of what we are made of. We are in fact, a carefully-rehearsed list of weaknesses and strengths that we tell ourselves.

So, you think you are who you are?

Yea right. Screw that. Surprise yourself.

No. Amaze yourself!

You don’t really exist. You just think you do.

You are the living characters of the tale you tell yourself. So, if you don’t like the story of your life, then tell yourself a better one. You owe no allegiance to your current self-image if it harms you. Stop sabotaging yourself, drawing lines and borders and boxes around you.

People have been saying it’s all in the mind and it’s true. It is. As we feed food to our stomach, the tales we tell ourselves are the food to our mind, to our soul. As much as we are what we eat, we are indeed what we tell ourselves.

You are not an object.

You are a system.

And like any other system, if you change the inputs, you’ll get a different output. Change what goes into you and you will change what comes out of you. so carried away... feel so released now.... all the things that come out from the deep of my heart....